Sunday, September 1, 2013

Welcome and About Grassroot Rag

Welcome to the Grassroot Rag. This blog is a need-to page for discussion of the various activist causes with which I have been and am involved. Although I will probably write most of the posts, I do not expect to write them all. I welcome submissions, and will publish other as appropriate.

A long time writer, editor, and activist, I have been involved with a range of issues from both the social and the hard sciences. I have devoted my efforts to a number of causes including the War on Drugs, marijuana prohibition, equality issues: race/diversity/women, labor and workplace issues, NASA, space development, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education and mental health issues. Any one or other could show up on any given day.

Although we all do it in different ways and have different talents, one of the things I believe in deeply is that citizens of the world, country, community and family, must all work together for the common good. I believe that it is all of our responsibility to do what we can to make the world we live in a better place both for our fellow citizens and for those who take our place when we are gone. Although over the years, I have been involved in a number of ways, at this point in life, most of my contributions are in writing and publishing.

I am founder and publisher of, a literary zine, which is among the earliest self-help and wellness sites on the Internet. I also write for Forward Progressives, and I publish a blog, where you can read more of my writing: Regina Garson's Blog.
Like to follow Grassroot Rag on Facebook. And follow me on Twitter @ReginaGarson.

With that, welcome to Grassroot Rag. Feel free to comment and participate. Or email to let me know if you would like to submit a post on a cause that you feel is important. 

Regina Garson, the Grassroot Rag

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